DVD’s on sale again
Great news!
We have a selection of DVD’s on sale.
The DVD’s are video’s of talks we have had at our open meetings
The DVD’s are relevant, informative and interesting.
Each DVD is a single lecture, 1 hour.
If you answer and submit a 10 MCQ questioner you will be entitled to 1 CPD point.
Cost is R100 per DVD + a courier fee.
To order:
Please contact: Dr Sameera Yusufmia
or email:
1. Invisilign - Straightening teeth without braces - Dr Steven Flax: Orthodontist
2. The Highlights of 2009 IAPD (International Association of Paediatric Dentistry) Congress - A report back - Dr Brad Selvan Paediatric dentist
3. Prevention of early childhood caries - Dr Angela Gilhespie Paediatric dentist
4. Conscious Sedation can make your practice less stressful and more profitable - Dr Janet Gritzman (Dentist) & Dr Leslie Gritzman (GP)
5. DVI & My 10 most Favourite Materials - Dr Tony Widmonte (Dentist)