Why Paedodontics

A message by the President of the Paedodontic Society of South Africa - Dr. Janet Lynn Gritzman B.A. B.D.S. (Wits)
The Paedodontic Society of S.A. consists of dentists who have a special interest, love for, and expertise in treating and caring for infants, children, adolescents and patients with special health care needs.
Children are not just small adults. The primary teeth are anatomically and physiologically different from adult teeth. Children are emotionally and intellectually different to adults. Young children, pre-teens and teenagers have different psychological needs and expectations therefore they need to be treated in a different manner.
The early experiences that a child has in the dental chair will profoundly influence his future attitude towards his oral health in general and dental treatment in particular. The Paediatric dentist is aware of all these issues.
They are trained to:
1. Promote feelings of trust and confidence in the child patient.
2. Help the child patient to feel good about visiting the dentist.
3. Teach the child patient to care for his/her teeth.
4. Detect and treat dental caries.
5. Guide dental growth and development.
6. Avoid future dental problems.
Because of their special interest and commitment they are able to provide the most up to date treatment options.
Parents are wise to choose a dentist who has an interest in paedodontics to treat their children.